Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Joy!

The little man LOVED Christmas this year! It was so much fun to see him open his presents and spend time with family. Here are some of my favorites from our holiday festivities...

His first Hot Wheels

Rocking horse from Nanny and Granddad in Pittsburgh

We filled up his new toy box with balloons

Choosing a car

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Plaza Lights Safari

On Saturday, my photographer friend (Emily Penke Photography) and I went on a Plaza Lights Safari with Digital Labrador. Digital Labrador let us borrow their amazing equipment, showed us some great locations and set us free on the Plaza. We had the best time! Now I need to choose four images to submit for their photo contest. Let me know which are your favorites in the comment area below or on facebook. Thanks for your help!!








And 9 below

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Former Student

Last year, when I was teaching, I donated a photo session to the school auction. To my delight a super fun family with ridiculously cute kids, "won" the session! The oldest boy was the one in my class and he had me cracking up every time I saw him. After spending the morning with his family, I can see where he gets his sense of humor and his good looks!! Thank you so much for having me, I had a great time.

The mantle shot - too cute!

The star of the show.

Check out the blue eyes...

Oh how I love a screaming baby shot...

So can someone tell me what happens to our eyelashes as we grow up? I want mine to be this long!